AMS II 發射遭 NASA 取消

糟糕,排太空梭航班排到出局了:丁肇中太空計畫被擱置 8國代表遊說 盼依計畫執行(奇摩新聞中時電子報)。今天中國時報的消息,小小一塊(至少有刊啦拍拍手)。

NASA 本來就不怎麼重視純科學計畫啦;太空梭 2010 年要退休,AMS 對他們來說比蓋國際太空站或是其他跟人有關的實驗不重要;預算都拿去做登月計畫了,也沒有錢額外增加航次。可是要說 AMS 是純科學計畫也不對,因為 AMS 是一台太空版的超導磁鐵質譜儀:「把超導磁鐵送上太空的技術」也算這個計畫成功的額外 bonus。這個技術很重要,未來人類要離開地球磁場的保護進行長距離的太空探險而不怕宇宙射線就要靠超導磁鐵呀。

現在就希望大家能說服美國政府回心轉意,或是下一代太空載具 delay 使 NASA 延後太空梭退休了。








Nagasaki Bomb



延伸閱讀:Isaac Asimov《基地(Foundation)》系列小說、霍金《核桃裡的宇宙》、科學史、物理史與啟蒙運動相關書籍。


Resolution: 900×1440

Yes, the title is correct, 900×1440: the resolution of a 19″ tall-screen long screen instead of a widescreen monitor.

That’s what I’d set up in my house when I bought the discount BenQ FP92W this weekend. The first thing I do when I brought it home is to remove the monitor stand and place the monitor against the wall vertically.

Why would I do that? Because, my parents are using that computer for web surfing and text processing; with a 19″ tall-screen long screen, an A4 sheet can be seen 1:1 without scrolling: a great perspective for PDF documents.

But when come to the webpages, there is a little difference than I expected: like A4s, most webpages are vertical, a tall-screen would effectively making the viewing area larger; but unlike A4s, width of the webpages are often fixed in pixels. See the problem is? 900 is smaller/shorter than the width of a common webpage design, which is 1024. In 900×1440, horizontal scrolls will pop out and make the things worse.

The whole story end up with one of my webdesign principles: Do not design webpages in fixed width; Not everyone likes to maximize their browser and browse with a 1024×768 screen; besides, if you are a pro-web standard designer, aim to design a web for everyone with every browser and device, your webpage on 176×208 (S60 mobile) should be as usable as on 1680×1050. Fixed width would either waste usable spaces or simply unusable.

Let’s go back to the tall-screen long screen thing. My plan would be perfect if I bought a 22″ monitor with desktop resolution 1050×1680. But 22″ is too big to see everything at once and they are not that affordable. I’m just nobody abut a poor student trying to get my parents comfort and productive when using computer; they are in a age that couldn’t sit in front of the computer too long; backache hurts.