MLinks 錯誤特攻隊:什麼!Firefox 3.5 不支援 XP

An article popped up on Yahoo! Taiwan News, stating that Firefox 3.5 will not release until 2010 nor it will support Windows XP, which is completely untrue. It seems they copy an article on The Register (which cites Computer World), and then translated it the wrong way.

I sincerely suggest Yahoo! Taiwan hire part-times who really understands Tech news in English, like me for instance. Again in Chinese, loud and clear: 誠心建議 Yahoo! 奇摩聘用真的看得懂英文的 part-time 來寫「綜合外電」特稿,例如我。

I’ve submitted a post to make the correction in Mozilla Links (Chinese version). If anyone talk about this, please tell s/he the complete story by give s/he the link to that post.

來體驗 IE8 的全新功能吧

體驗 IE8 最新功能

English: Please read our April Fools’ special, an web page introducing Internet Explorer 8 (with their page layout) by showing Firefox (& add-ons) features. 🙂

BTW, we are told that Microsoft Taiwan are going to have a press conference with content provider partners – on April Fools’. 愚人節特輯:來看看,要怎麼用 Firefox 體驗 IE8 的「全新」功能。

好啦,認真說,如果你不想要換到 Firefox,也請救救網頁設計師,把 IE6 換掉吧…

Mozilla as a social moment of the open web

Some reflection from recent MozTW offline events and PCHome magazine interview we gave:

The web applications and the browsers will become the so-called “the cloud computing” environment, where everything you wrote, song, and filmed are stored and shared between people. Every piece of information will be interconnected.

That’s what the trend had told me, from big things like Google building a browser, to small everyday things like identities and information being shared and transfered between websites.

Here is what Bob said when he heard that from me (well, not the exact words of course, since I am writing it down here in English):

If this is the trend, then the the role of Mozilla Foundation is to make sure what we believed in will be deeply embedded  into that future. The believes, like the web should be build upon open standards; identities should be decentralized; the information and the wisdom within should be easily preservable and sharable with the consent of the authors; etc.

Mozilla is a foundation that runs a software company, and a social moment of the open web.

Wow. Being a small contributer to the Firefox software, I never pictured so clearly this is what we do stands for. Glad to be one of us.

Mozilla, the social moment of open web. And they have plans… the fraking robots.