I (might) corrected Google homepage today

Today, according to IYA 2009 official website, is 400th anniversary of Galileo demonstrating his telescope to Venetian lawmakers. Google, with all the astronomy lovers like us, changed their homepage worldwide to mark the day.

It was 6am and I was forced to woke up early due to fighting noises over the phone call of my parents. I noticed the Google logo posted on pingooo’s plurk timeline (FYI, Plurk = a Twitter-like service in Taiwan), however I also noticed the tooltip (title=”) description on the Google Taiwan homepage was incorrectly translated.

On the English Google it reads “400th Anniversary of Galileo’s Telescope”, and on the Taiwanese homepage it was translated as “伽利略望遠鏡發明400周年”, which means “400th Anniversary since Galileo invented Telescope.”

Since pingooo himself works at Google, I replied pingooo’s plurk message, explaining that the home page was wrong, that telescopes was invented a long time ago since Galileo, what he did at the time was improved it and observed the heavenly body with it for the very first time. Within an hour the Google home page changed the sentence to the current version “伽利略天文望遠鏡發明400周年 (400th Anniversary since Galileo invented Astronomical Telescope)”. Quite fast for a big company such as Google.

Not sure if I am the first one to notify the error, it surely feels good to have a direct, Twitter-like channel to get in contact and to have things done.




其實,就政府那些 Web 1.0 等級的網站來說,他們需要的也不過就是「圖片連結加上替代文字的 alt」罷了。至於 AAA 所要求的,連標誌也要用文字描述他的形狀細節,我可以從報導了解他的意義,但我不了解網站有必要把所有呈現給明眼人的細節全部這樣推出來(這樣不是把真正的內容往下推嗎?)還是寄個 e-mail 去問好了?

倒是有想到一個 Firefox 可以做的事情:如果明眼人如我們能寫一些 Grasemonkey Userscript 把一些有問題的網站(如報導中的 law.moj.gov.tw)修好,那也算是推廣與功德一件?

總之,推薦所有 Web Developer 與 Designer 看看這篇報導。

Update:這樣好了,來 refine 一下前面的 Userscript idea:設計一個擴充套件,遇到沒有 alt 的圖片連結就用 prefetch 的方式去抓目的地網頁的 <title>,如果連那個都沒有的話就抓 <h1> … 不知這樣有沒有幫助。

Update: 接到有聲書推廣學會的王建立老師的回信,大意是說,報導是為了增強畫面效果才選擇用協會標誌來做無障礙的範例,真正需要強調的是圖片連結的 alt 替代文字(不過他也稱讚訪問的記者很認真的做這篇專題)。另外,閱讀軟體的確能跳過文字,所以多加並不會造成困擾。套件的構想他覺得或許可行,如果開發完成可以找他們的同仁測試。

IE6 在 PIXNET 的佔有率

English: Pixnet is the second largest Blog Service Provider in Taiwan. The lead developer just released IE6 usage on their website (Base on Google Analytics statistics). While this data is valuable, yet I don’t think this represents the overall browser usage of Taiwan, since different generations use the web in different way, not everyone read or write blogs.

Base on the target customers of your website, you might found this data useful though.

Update: Detailed usage share for June 2009 from the same article.

感謝 gslin 大長輩提供完整的六月份數據(已更新,加上 Firefox 數據):

IE6 usage on pixnet.net

我比較驚訝的事情是對 PIXNET 來說, IE6 不管在所有瀏覽器或是只算 IE 的比率,都已經小於 50% 了。當然網路的使用者的分層很嚴重,大概永遠無法知道「台灣整體」的瀏覽器佔有率;但就算知道整體的數據,如果跟網站針對的客群不同也沒什麼意義。