iPad Ready? iPad Only?

My fellow Web Developers, I know it’s exciting to work with new devices and experimenting with new interactions, like multi-touch. I also acknowledge that sometimes it’s best to have a special look-and-feel that fit the device. But this time Apple is deliberately hurting the open web.

Yes, you must have heard the phrase “iPhone is the new IE6”; back then I think Apple was doing a great job bringing the web as-we-know-it (kind of) to the mobile, and the cost to develop a separate iPhone website is justify because it’s mobile – a distinct device. Yet, for iPad it’s a completely different story:

  • No matter how Apple marketed it, the device is an 1024×768 tablet, with enough screen size to fit regular web.
  • Even if I want to build a specific website for iPhone/iPad, their devices doesn’t use open standard like CSS @media-query to identify themselves their device does do that, but not yet adopt by most developers. In fact, the way noteworthy companies doing the identification (e.g. Google’s GMail) is by detecting UA string. I couldn’t stop imaging the string iPhone or iPad would one day present in every mobile browser, just like the string Mozilla did. The <meta viewpoint> spec was also poorly designed – Apple should be more careful if they intend to establish a new de-facto standard.
  • For all the things above, I could just make excuses for them, like I did with iPhone Safari: it’s one of it’s kind, and Apple is focusing on delivering the best user experience they could give (like we all do) – but not for this: the flashy shrine of iPad-ready websites. Apple is purposely asking web content providers to build websites for it’s garden – and guess what, the garden is walled due to constraint above.

Web is the first platform without a vendor. Nobody want to market a term they cannot trademark; every vendor of the market-leading browsers – from NCSA Mosaic, Microsoft Internet Explorer, to Apple iPad/iPhone Safari now, want to make World Wide Web their own from simply replace the terminology*, break the content standard, to moving open content to their closed garden.

Let’s defend that, first by giving your iPhone/iPad ready website an independent universal-accessible address, then demand browser vendors provide feasible standard to address their device capacities. No more UA string hacking please.

* Little-known early history of WWW; Back then, NCSA promotes their Mosaic browser without even mentioning the term “WWW”. This gesture prompted Sir Tim Berners-Lee to fund W3C to ensure the openness of the Web. More stories can be found on his book “Weaving the Web.”

CNNIC certificate criss: what you should do

Disclaimer: I am a Mozilla Taiwan Community contributor, however the followings are my own point of view; not the view of entire community.

中文版貼在 Mozilla Links

So, now we got bug 476766 calling Mozilla to remove CNNIC CA certs from it’s codebase, and people posted over on how to remove it manually. Personally I agreed with the objective argument in the bug, that officially CNNIC is considered innocent until proven guilty. To make my point, here is a PhotoShop MS Paint mock up for you. Please stop the nonsense in bug 476766 unless you see this:

But if you do, please immediately click [Detail…] and export the fake SSL cert. Every responsible browser vendor, include Mozilla, will remove the CNNIC Root upon this goes public, and the fake certificate would be the biggest scandal of the year to China, on the Internet.

What you should do before that

If you feel unsafe on the standard practice of browser vendors, you could disable the CA certs in your computer. Mozilla is correct on not-removing the CA certs, but for user who want to remove them themselves, I don’t think Mozilla has provided an easy tool for that. Clicking Tools – Options – Advanced – Security – Certificate Manager is just too painful. So here is an add-on I wrote which does that for you: CA Untrustworthy. Do remember that removing CNNIC CA certs will break legit CNNIC-signed websites.

For the less paranoid, Rex provided us an add-on “Cert Alert” that alerts user whenever they encountered an CNNIC-signed website. Install it, after that, when you see the alert, you could use your judgment to consider the trustworthiness of the website – you might actually find the fake SSL cert that way.

Firefox 5 Birthday!

要怎麼形容我們這個社群在幹麻呢?最近因故又遇到了這個問題。不過也是剛好正在翻譯Firefox 五週年!網站的文案,發現文中的描述的概念很簡單,卻很精確:我們希望人人的網際生活體驗能變的更美好。

不管你有沒有在用 Firefox 或是覺得它好不好用,Firefox 五年的存在的確讓 web 變的更好;即便不是市場上的 dominant force,但鳳凰的重生(*)的確驅使了新的技術進步,與隨之而來的網路應用。想想看,下個五年我們能一起成就什麼?

* 參考 about:mozilla

技術筆記: 這個網站 (project 代號 [Fyfx]) 我貢獻了中文 embedded font 的部份(標題後面的「五週年!」三個字),其中用到了 tka 的神妙 script,把 Droid Sans 字型 (3MB) 裡面會用到的字抽出來組 subset 字型 (16KB) 的技術。用 Droid 是因為版權,還有要同時讓簡繁日韓四個 locale 都能使用;我知道寫法和繁體標準字不一樣,不過這是 trade off。

當然要感謝 tka 大大的幫助!