國際天文年主題曲「Shoulders of Giants」

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IYA站在巨人的肩膀上,我們會看到更多。《Shoulders of Giants》是 AstroCappella 的國際天文年主題曲,歌詞超棒,聽到的時候感動的快掉眼淚了。

The world turns round and round now around 400 years have flown
since Galileo’s telescope first focused the unknown
Now we use bigger glass to peer into the past
And we’re discovering the Universe’s secrets at last

And there are geysers on Saturn’s icy moon
and planets circling hundreds of stars
while all the Universe expands like a balloon
from Galileo’s tiny scope we’ve come so far

我覺得我沒有翻譯這首歌的能力,所以只能請你自己點上面的連結去看歌詞了。MP3 檔案的連結在此。

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