This content is over 16 years old. It may be obsolete and may not reflect the current opinion of the author.
English: Pixnet is the second largest Blog Service Provider in Taiwan. The lead developer just released IE6 usage on their website (Base on Google Analytics statistics). While this data is valuable, yet I don’t think this represents the overall browser usage of Taiwan, since different generations use the web in different way, not everyone read or write blogs.
Base on the target customers of your website, you might found this data useful though.
Update: Detailed usage share for June 2009 from the same article.
感謝 gslin 大長輩提供完整的六月份數據(已更新,加上 Firefox 數據):
我比較驚訝的事情是對 PIXNET 來說, IE6 不管在所有瀏覽器或是只算 IE 的比率,都已經小於 50% 了。當然網路的使用者的分層很嚴重,大概永遠無法知道「台灣整體」的瀏覽器佔有率;但就算知道整體的數據,如果跟網站針對的客群不同也沒什麼意義。