
This content is over 18 years old. It may be obsolete and may not reflect the current opinion of the author.

Apple Boot Camp will include in the next release of MacOS on Intel Mac. What is it does? It guide users install their old-time-lover Windows XP to their new Mac.

That’s a great move for Apple to expand their market share. It would be even better if MacOS could provide something like Wine does – run Windows software without Windows – then, MacOS would be really irresistable.

I am wondering whether Apple would provide NTFS read-write ability on MacOS? It’s kind of strange to put things in two places.


下一個版本的MacOS會包含Apple Boot Camp,幫助使用者安裝它們的老情人 WindowsXP 到新歡 Intel Mac上面。這樣使用者就會多一個從窗戶轉換到蘋果的理由了。

如果 Apple 真要把 Windows 搞倒的話,它應該要提供像Linux上的Wine一樣的功能,不需 Windows 直接在MacOS上面執行 Windows 程式。這樣微軟就只能關部門去賣Xbox了…

不然至少也讓 MacOS 有辦法讀取 NTFS 磁區這樣;雙開機系統一個檔案放兩邊實在有點煩。

One thought on “高招呀!

  1. 唉.. 雖然這樣似乎滿不錯玩的,但是設備真的很貴很貴很貴.. Orz

    最便宜的 Intel based Mac Mini 也要兩萬多啊 (遠目)

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