This content is over 19 years old. It may be obsolete and may not reflect the current opinion of the author.
唯一可惜的就是 的 PageRank 有4,這個網址是新的所以是0。就看Redirect會不會一並把 PageRank 更新過來了。
BTW,要訂閱本站可以直接用WordPress的Feed或是Feedburner —— 後者可以做的事情很多(甚至可以把文章當電子報寄),不過我不太想同時依賴太多服務,所以沒有把Feedburner當成主feed。
Anyway, enjoy your stay!
Welcome to the whole new, short, easy to remember URI –! I’ve redirect all the traffic from the old site but please update your Blogroll. Thanks.
I’ve also re-configured Permalink. Old URI still good since I’ve set RewriteRules for them.
If you are using Online RSS Reader, the Feedburner feed with all the little subscribe stickers would be helpful. You may also subscribe the original WordPress feed. a .zh-tw {display: none}
CSS rule would be helpful if you couldn’t read Chinese.
Giving up a PageRank 4 URI was a tough choice, but I believe that it would show up on the new URI.