This content is over 16 years old. It may be obsolete and may not reflect the current opinion of the author.
為了遵守 Rule #2 我要在最後一刻把這篇文張貼上來,哇哈哈。歡迎大家參加明天的 Barcamp Taipei,一個用新型態的會議模式舉辦的聚會。細節就不詳述了,點進去看吧!
This content is over 16 years old. It may be obsolete and may not reflect the current opinion of the author.
為了遵守 Rule #2 我要在最後一刻把這篇文張貼上來,哇哈哈。歡迎大家參加明天的 Barcamp Taipei,一個用新型態的會議模式舉辦的聚會。細節就不詳述了,點進去看吧!