iTunes Artwork Extractor

Screenshot of iTunes Artwork Extractor

The best way to stop modifying your script for function that would never be used is to publish it. Here I am.

iTunes Artwork Extractor is a HTA script (on Windows) that extract artworks of tracks in your iTunes Music Library. Good for showing off your music collection.


Get it from here. Please do not redistribute the file.


Same as licence for this blog.

Known Issue

  • When you click start, your anti-virus software will ask permission of running this script; some software even prevent you from downloading the script. This script is not a virus, it will not contain any virus if you download it from here.
  • The script name images with the name of folder containing the music file. It will be the name of the album when all your music files are stored and managed by iTunes. The reason to do this is because genetic album names sometimes contain characters that can not be used in file name.


大學生的自由在這種地方顯得特別麻煩:選課。這學期因為一些意外所以系上的課與必修掉到了14學分;所以只能拼命找能選的課來修。說起來我還真的不知道怎麼掉進這個情況的;當然大家都會說「當然要選好過的課呀」但是我就是(欠打的)先考慮我想學什麼,然後再考慮 whether I could handle it or not. For the past semesters, I fail to handle some of the lessons that I thought I could handle it in the beginning. 然後也不想考慮一些補救措施,例如寫作業抄解答、甚至作弊等等。搞成這樣當然無法證明自己是對的,所以也不能說選涼課、寫作業抄解答、甚至作弊是錯的事情。


說到通識,這次修的通識是劉兆漢老師(UST總校長、前中央大學校長)的「全球變遷與永續經營」;第一門課非常刺激,老師把全部英文的 hand out 發下來然後說「This lesson will be conducted in English, and I expect all the homeworks and exams in English.」一瞬間我感受的到台下有淡淡的驚呼聲;老師的意思是他期望課程能像美國的college一樣進行啦,用英文而且有互動。只是我很懷疑加退選結束之後會有幾個人選。我會留下來,因為我還滿期待這門課這樣的進行方式的。如果系上必修課也這樣開的話就太有趣了;這門課也滿足我本來想要選「英文演講與簡報」卻和必修課衝堂的遺憾。希望能順利過完這們課,不是又一次的誤判。





—— 一學期的挑戰現在開始。


Update: 結果今天去上課,老師說二年級不能先修三年級的課。只好和同學去選孫維新老師的網路數位化天文觀測了。孫老師的課可以學到很多,但是pretty demanding。 My interest in astronomy just not enough for me to take such professional lesson this year.


Map and Satellite Images on Web

Google Maps finally covers high-resolution image near my home – the eastern part of Taipei. It’s kind of strange that they didn’t cover this area – where the highest building of the world is – at the first place.

No, I won’t tell you where my home is. If you visiting my site frequently, you would notice that my home is in the region that accidentally black-out yesterday.

Google Sightseeing immediately put the introduction on their page.

Before Google had done that, UrMap has already providing maps of Taiwan with satellite image taken by Taiwan-owned satellite – the FormoSat 2. They released their API yesterday, and should enable a lot of coding geeks here to localize U.S. websites using Google Maps API (e.g. where to find wireless internet access.)

Another question comes into my mind is that when FormoSat 2 was made, they claim the max resolution would be 2m – images on UrMap just don’t seems that good, even worse than Google.

Google Maps 終於把我家的位置 —— 台北東區提升到高解析度了;到處都有衛星地圖,竟然沒有照到世界最高的大樓這區是怎樣XD。


Google Sightseeing 那時候很快就把台北101的介紹貼出來了。

在 Google 侵犯台北東區的隱私之前,台灣本地廠商 UrMap 已經把台灣的地圖和衛星照片全部貼出來了;用的衛星照片還是福爾摩沙衛星二號拍的。UrMap昨天也正式發表了它們的 Map API ,這應該會讓一堆台灣網站設計師很興奮的開始寫美國利用 Google Maps API 的網站的台灣版本(例如城市免費無線網路攻略之類的。)

倒是我心中有個問題:福衛二號建造的時候它們說衛星照片的最高解析度是2公尺平方,但是 UrMap 上面的影像好像沒有這麼清楚,甚至比 Google 還差。
