The Cake is a Lie!

Weighted Companion Cube … and the Weight Companion Cube, isn’t.

(圖片來源: Greg’s Blog)

之前在跟 SKC 同學與 st 惋惜說 Companion Cube plush 賣完了,結果沒隔幾天 The Valve Store 竟然就重新上架了!立刻用 VISA 金融卡把東西訂下來(怕賣光),結果訂單卻因為 Billing Address & Shipping Address 不一樣國家被退訂… 立刻再訂一次,幸好有過。

(咦,我好像沒說過我在玩 Portal?)

(你覺得我會玩 FPS 很奇怪嗎?)

倒是原本做一半的 papercraft Companion Cube … 還是繼續用滿滿的愛做完(飄)。只是快用完了因為好難做orz

Arthur C. Clarke, 1917 – 2008

科幻作家 Arthur C. Clarke 昨日在斯里蘭卡過世,享年 90 歲。他寫了許多重要的科幻作品,還是首先提出同步衛星與太空電梯概念的科學家。

NASA 的 Statement 是對他的一生最好的描繪之一(節錄如下):

Although his personal odyssey here on Earth is now over, his vision lives on through his writing; he will be sorely missed.”



我對 Clarke 的書閱讀不多;有時間的話應該再看看幾本。

Update: Clarke 在 90 歲生日時錄給大家的談話

How to dissect a paper

How to dissect a paper by Ellen Gottlieb, 2003. Given to me from a teacher and it does help. A lot. Hope it helps you too.


  1. Look at the title and authors.
  2. Read the abstract.
  3. Look at the figures to access quality (If they don’t look good, keep this in mind when assessing the paper)
  4. Read the last paragraph of the introduction which will give you the objective, the rationale and the approach
  5. Read the first paragraph of the discussion which will give you the objective, approach and major conclusion(s)
  6. Read the last paragraph of the discussion which will give you the implications and possibly future directions.
  7. Now read the paper through from being to end and critically analyze the paper.
  8. You might also want to look through the reference titles for additional info or other papers that might interest you.

When dissecting a paper, Ask yourself:

  1. What is the overall objective of this paper?
  2. What is the approach?
  3. What is the point of each figure or group of figures?
  4. What do the data actually prove? (Note: Figures which do not address objectives of the paper may be extraneous and could be eliminated or just mentioned in passing in a short presentation)
  5. Are the conclusions in the paper supported by the actual data or are alternate conclusions appropriate?
  6. What might you do next given their data?


  • Just because a paper is published, doesn’t mean it is correct
  • A paper may have excellent data but incorrect (or skewed) conclusions. Base your future experiments on what the data show and not necessarily on the authors’ conclusions. This is often a good place to start on a new exciting experiments. Another good place for ideas on future experiments is the last paragraph of the paper.