
最近看到教育部推動「有品運動」的新聞,勾起了我之前涉入校內學生運動時的一些想法… (是的,我一直不太想要明目張膽的說我有參一腳最近幾年和學校的紛爭,不過依照大學法學校現在沒有理由不發畢業證書給我,so …)



  • 學校對學生的行為負連帶責任,甚至是無過失責任。
    • 你在學校圍牆外惹惱鄰居,學校幫你先道歉再回來關起門來處理?
    • 就算是偷竊等公訴罪,學校都能拿校內獎懲制度來給別人「交代」,這樣橋事情?
  • 學校和學生的關係是上對下,學校有塑造學生道德人格的責任。
    • 學生的個人性被削弱,學生不是具有完整公民權的自然人,學生自治這個概念在此框架下毫無立場與意義。
    • 行政單位在選課、宿舍問題的擺爛也是「訓練學生待人處世的道理」。


我以為全台灣只剩下 NCU 這種幼稚園大學才會有對大學教育抱持這種理念的教員,沒想到連教育部長也這樣想呀。如果你是和對方權利相等的人,你可以在議會裡面和他們平起平坐,bargain 雙方的權責。那如果你不是人,那… 或許有天「人」會規定你戴上六芒星,把你關進集中營,那你也不能說什麼。或者是,你得跟著一個演講說著「I have a dream」的牧師上街遊行,但我不知道這個人存不存在。

PS 幼稚園大學是龍應台女士當年在學校擔任教授時所寫的文章。過了這麼久,還是有種倍感親切的感覺。真是令人不勝唏噓。

Opera user gathering

Last night I went to Opera user gathering in Eslité Café to meet Andreas Bovens, Group Leader of Developer Relations at Opera Software. He is the person who lead a team of talents at Opera, creating wonderful documentations about web standard for web developers.

There are about 10 people showed up, and we discussed a lot of issues about the web, the Taiwanese market and users, and coming features of Opera. I showed Andreas how Telnet BBS works, and just like Gen he was shocked how come there are still people use this thing, and the biggest social network website in Taiwan is not even an website.

Vincent Li, VP of sales in Taiwan talked about how Opera provide a viable solution to mobile makers, compare to open source solutions like Gecko or Webkit. It turns out the rendering engine of Opera itself is design to be slim and fast, and all Opera has to do is to hire a lot of people to deliver different UI for different devices; this solution proved to be more successful than asking companies hires their own developer to modify source code of OSS browsers.

Jack Wu, the person contracted to translate Opera UI since Opera 7 also showed up. We had a little talk about how he gets feedback from users on UI names; currently Opera pass these information as a ordinary software company, with customer service and issue trackers, but Jack said he would like to see if it’s possible to build up an online forum of users.

Andreas introduced us some of the coming features on Opera 10 Presto 2.3 (post Opera 10), like round borders and border images; Opera will also support CSS transition on coming version. He asked us what browser features we would like to see for the Taiwanese users; Jack mentioned Traditional-Simplified Chinese conversion, and I simply went through the top extensions list on MozTW website, and discussed why people cannot leave IE6, IE shell, or IE Tab because of IE only websites and banking services, and how popular Telnet BBS is so people are tied to PCMan; that’s when I ended up demo BBS to him with Othree‘s Mac. We also discussed in great detail about mobile browsers and websites.

Peko Wan, Communications Manager in Taiwan, who held the event (thanks, by the way), talked about how she would like to bootstrap Opera community in Taiwan. With Bob, they also discussed about how can we join forces to promote web standards. She also told us Opera is going to announce something big next Thursday; they will hold a luncheon with the media in Taipei. So if you are an Opera user, stay tuned to her blog on these matter.

Opera is really successful among B2B market, for B2C, I do think Opera Taiwan and MozTW could do a lot of things together.

Lastly, didn’t I mentioned I am a Opera user too? As a locale maintainer, of course Mozilla Firefox is the choice of browser when it comes to desktop, but on a mobile phone, Opera Mini is the choice, yeah!

MLinks 錯誤特攻隊:什麼!Firefox 3.5 不支援 XP

An article popped up on Yahoo! Taiwan News, stating that Firefox 3.5 will not release until 2010 nor it will support Windows XP, which is completely untrue. It seems they copy an article on The Register (which cites Computer World), and then translated it the wrong way.

I sincerely suggest Yahoo! Taiwan hire part-times who really understands Tech news in English, like me for instance. Again in Chinese, loud and clear: 誠心建議 Yahoo! 奇摩聘用真的看得懂英文的 part-time 來寫「綜合外電」特稿,例如我。

I’ve submitted a post to make the correction in Mozilla Links (Chinese version). If anyone talk about this, please tell s/he the complete story by give s/he the link to that post.