As a secret Opera Software fan…

Opera had it first!

I think it’s fair to admit that I am a secret Opera Software fan, especially on their ability to deliver many of the browser innovations (Opera had it first!) we see today and relative independence within the browser arena.

Yet, recently, posts are popping up, revealing inconvenient truth of the inner-working of the company, and confirm the reasons behind it’s rational move to Chromium. As a public trading company, it have grown increasingly intolerant to products that is unable to bring in new revenue. The company have also known for underpaying it’s loyal employees, substituting salary with a “vision of achieving greater good”.

Obviously, stay relevant in the browser arena is hard. Mozilla is working hard on that too, either with new technologies like asm.js or Servo, or newly gain influence from the new product Firefox OS. Mozilla is actively seeking talents from Opera too like Hallvord R. M. Steen, the author of the aforementioned post; because to them, as Hallvord puts it:

And maybe, just maybe Mozilla is an environment where ideas are still kings..?

I sincerely hope the above notion describing Mozilla is true, and stay true in the feasible future.


上星期的公司的活動,很榮幸的能面對面和紐西蘭辦公室的 Robert O’Callahan (:roc) 聊到一些關於本地技術產業與矽谷關係的問題。問了之後才知道 roc 是在矽谷工作 10 年之後才反過來決定回到紐西蘭的。2005 年,他和 Mozilla 的雇用協議就是讓他成立紐西蘭辦公室,讓他可以在當地帶技術人貢獻 Mozilla Project。

問他這樣會不會影響他自己的職涯,他說會,如果他要當 VP 或是 Senior VP,大概真的就得一直待在矽谷,但是他選擇回鄉,投資本地的技術產業。他一路說到,如果 Mozilla 有一天無法支撐這個辦公室了,他自己應該有能力做一些事情繼續下去,例如開一間公司來養。在 Mozilla Project,roc 和奧克蘭辦公室負責 Gecko 大部分的 Graphics codebase。他最近也獲得了 Mozilla Distinguished Engineer 的殊榮。


紐西蘭比起台灣的狀況是比較艱鉅的:地理位置在世界的邊緣、經濟規模渺小、都講英文,所以一直被澳大利亞或是美國 Brain drain。而在商言商,或是追求個人價值最大化並沒有錯。我也說不上來當我面對同樣的機會或是在同樣的資格時會做出什麼決定。但是當自己都不幫忙自己的時候,求別人是不會有什麼結果的。

華氏 451 度,與書

蔡志浩老師寫了一篇精練的華氏 451 度書評,讓我想起我也曾寫下粗淺但是類似的感想

最近看著家裡的書櫃越來越滿,且現在二手書買賣的管道越來越方便,想著想著就掉入「為何要把書留在身邊」的沉思。但只要看到《華氏 451 度》這本書被提起,我就想到一個我還確定的結論:這本沒有完全讀懂其中深意的書,是絕對值得留在書架上的經典之作。
