The Truth About Veritasium

This is a candid piece from Derek Muller, the science educator/YouTuber, talking about his journey leading to what he does today. This is not yet-another-so-successful-wow story or you-must-follow-your-dream story. His approach to life and grip is something to take inspiration from.

Computer Security In The Past, Present and Future, with Mikko Hypponen

If you are into computer security and not a security expert, this is a great talk by Mikko Hypponen. He is a security researcher from F-Secure.

Some of the highlights from the talk includes a floppy disk containing the first known computer virus from Pakistan; Y2K and Y38K (“Try to set the date to year 2038 on your smart phone; you can’t”); introduction to Stuxnet and it’s implications; implication to network security as the world become more connected with IoT devices.

One of the comment worthy remembering was (paraphrasing): when he started his career, he didn’t know he would be fighting against state actors, and/or gun-carrying organized criminals who would literally jump over the window to flee.

He also highly recommends the movie Zero Day, a documentary about Stuxnet.