The World According to Dick Cheney


—— Dick Cheney,美國副總統(2000-2008)

The World According To Dick Cheney 是美國前總統 Cheney 接受 SHOWTIME 專訪的紀錄片。R.J. Culter 導演將 Cheney 本人受訪的回應,以及他從政生涯,串接起來,合成一部堪稱鉅細靡遺的展示。

無論自由派的人們多某討厭這位布希白宮內的「Dark Vader」,我認為 Cheney 的思維是我們都應該要了解的。因為,無論我們對像美國這種老牌民主國家的公民有多少美好想像,例如人們多有「民主素養」,懂得尊重人權、法治,堅守原則,別忘了,許多美國人當年是同意布希當局的作法的。而 Cheney 在這部紀錄片對自己當年行動的註腳,正好顯露著這個思維的核心:當時的美國是怎麼容忍自己開打兩場沒有 exit strategy 的戰爭、在海外基地建立規避憲法與國際公約的關灣監獄、對犯人刑求、對國內民眾實施不需搜索票的監聽等。

Cheney 認為戰爭時期,拯救性命避免攻擊比起自己的面子(或榮譽;原文為 honor)更重要。即便伊拉克戰爭到最後還是沒有找到大規模毀滅性武器,他還是認為他的決策是正確的:他說,許多人在歷史上的地位是因為成就了某件事,但人們不會記得因為誰所以沒有發生什麼壞事情。他認為,在沒有他主導大局的平行時空,之如 9/11 的恐怖攻擊已經可能又發生兩三次了。

人們勢必會反過來指稱這種想法所導致的先制攻擊,只是拿伊拉克人命換美國人的性命,世界反而變得更危險云云。但無論如何假設、立論、指控,Cheney 與布希政府所型塑的後 9/11 時代是個不可否認的,一個必須面對才能進步,一個必須習慣才能安生立命的醜陋現實。

One scope per module, or, on success of adoption of CommonJS module format

I recently did some research on well-known Javascript module formats. Not sure why I missed this topic back in 2009, however some archeology revealed an conflicting reality:

  • The most accepted package format, for Javascript in general, is the CommonJS format.
  • However, the format is unfriendly to browser context, and it’s impossible to implement the loader 100% correctly.
  • In the browser, people ended up using AMD format instead. Also, AMD try to incorporate CommonJS format by introducing special dependency names; see the 3rd and 4th paragraph of the spec.

For years, a lot of discussion on the difference of the formats surrounds the sync v.s. async nature of the format. jrblake, the author of the AMD spec and require.js, have already explicitly explain his argument on why he disagreed with the trade-offs made in the CommonJS module format.

However, I still ended up drawing the conclusion of my research — as of 2013, CommonJS modules is more welcomed to the developers than AMD modules. But why? In my humble opinion, of all the differences in design between CommonJS module and AMD module, this one stands out and made the difference: CommonJS module spec requires one scope per module. This in turn gives CommonJS modules the following behavior:

  • Every module get a private scope, for free — the only things expose to others are the ones you explicitly expose in the exports object.
  • In return, module scripts don’t get to access the globe object of the main context — e.g. the window object in browsers. This has significant implication — module scripts can never take global APIs for granted — one would have always explicitly require() for it. On the other hand, one could never mess up with the dependency system by attaching fake fake APIs on the global object — everyone has to be honest to the dependency tree, and the loader.
  • Without the global object, native APIs available to the module would also need to be require()‘d. This in turn provided an uniform experience for the developers, which is extremely helpful to new Javascript runtime/platforms, both on inventing one and on learning one. With that, it is not surprising almost every “new kid in town” adopts CommonJS modules, e.g. NodeJS, PhantomJS, and Mozilla Add-on SDK.
  • Limiting one file per module is pretty much an outcome of the scope design. It will be really hard to define scope syntax, to house multiple scopes within one file, and it will be even harder to implement.
  • Same applies to sync dependency loading. If modules are loaded in their own scope, they could surely block the execution of requestee.
  • Lastly, and sadly, one of the drawbacks of the one scope per module design: you can never ever simulate private scope in the browser reasonably. One could surely wrap CommonJS module into a function scope, or simulate sync loading with sync xhr and eval() (Yabble), but one would never stop script within from referencing variables on the outer scope s (except running your own Javascript runtime on top of the native Javascript runtime, I presume).

What does all that means

For someone who write Javascript for the browsers most of the time (we all are I think), I hate to be the proponent of something that doesn’t work in the browser context. What’s good come out of CommonJS module spec is all begin with the decision to ditch the browser. Alternatively, the legacy limitation of the browser is just too heavy for AMD module format to carry — thus, the AMD format never propagates, beyond browser, so does the promise to Javascript modules debate to the developers — you should be able to write your code once and use it everywhere.

What is broken, for modern day needs, is the browser context, not AMD, which tried really hard to address it. What AMD proofed is that we need new language feature, or browser APIs, to cope what we are facing. Hopefully, the new ECMAScript Harmony module is being worked on in Gecko and will be landed soon. How Harmony module could deliver the promise is not the scope of this article; it would be a further pending research topic for me.

An unified Javascript ecosystem awaits

Javascript, 18 years after invention, a fundamental cornerstone is still missing for building a library repository, like what PEAR for PHP, CPAN for Perl, or RubyGems for Ruby. The momentum is there already, and it had been there, for a long time. npm could be considered the most promising one, however, again, the lack of a common module format limits the uses of the modules on the site.

It also limits people writing heavy client-side web applications — people is currently prevented to split their apps into modules agnostically of any frameworks. This is worse than PHP, in which the frameworks have already start working together on common standards, i.e. PSRs.

We are still eagerly waiting another universal Javascript module format, to ignite everything and to start realize all the possibilities. I remain optimistic on this issue given the wide acceptance of the language itself had attracted lots of talents. But, first step toward the solution at full speed is to admit there is one.

URL matters, so does the web

Obviously, for a web developer like me, looking at the URL of a website is a habit for daily surfing. Hostname represents the source and authenticity, path represents the bookmark-ability and Awesomebar search-ability, and protocol represents the security of the connection. Interestingly, URLs are for People, not Computers, cited from a Microsoft research (paper in PDF) that 24% of the people do the same thing too. That’s way more people than casual/professional web makers.

A lot of people thinks URL doesn’t matter anymore. I’ve never been able to understand why businesses put QR code, Facebook Page name, or Twitter ID over their website address if the ad space is that valuable. People also said URLs, which implies typing the address, is bad for discovery, compare to the “app store” approach, particularly on mobile. This has been the predominant reason for Mozilla to introduce Open Web Apps and Marketplace, I am told. Yet I’ve never been able to comprehend how the ratings, labels, and icons in an app store entry could replace genuine information given in a nicely crafted URL. Web and it’s URLs is more than a distribution model. Way more.

Maybe I don’t understand mobile, or how apps worked, but clearly the statistics implies bring the URLs with the web to mobile could benefit at least 24% of people. I am hoping to see such platform to emerge.

The said post was shared by A List Apart: The Full Feed. RSS is not dead too, by the way.

Edit: add link to the original research.