The Web We Have to Save

This content is over 10 years old. It may be obsolete and may not reflect the current opinion of the author.

The rich, diverse, free web that I loved — and spent years in an Iranian jail for — is dying.
Why is nobody stopping it?

The Web We Have to Save by Hossein Derakhshan

就像進入了時光機,這位作者因為他的部落格被伊朗政府監禁了 7 年。這是他被釋放之後第一篇英文部落格,詳述了他所看到的 Web 的變化。這篇文章和 Anil Dash 之前那篇「The Web We Lost」有著相似的觀點,只是這次,描述的筆觸多了無盡的個人感懷,畢竟這位作者失去了因而坐牢的那些事物。

Just like being pulled into a time machine, the author of this post was jailed by Iranian government for 7 years because of his blog posts. This is his first blog post in English after his release, detailing the changes of the Web he have seen. The post shared a similar view with the post “The Web We Lost” by Anil Dash — but this time, the descriptions come with an immersive personal touch, since what have changed was the things that the author have went to jail for.