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Ubuntu vs. Debian: What Canonical Doesn’t Want You To Know,Digg 上的文章。
其實我的草稿裡面一直有一篇 My Linux Choice is Ubuntu 沒有發表。Ubuntu 是個很棒的 Linux 散布版本,它的安裝程式很自動,畫面很漂亮,幾乎所有的設定都有圖形介面可以改 —— 就算是要用到命令列的設定,命令也幾乎是剪下貼上就可以了。還有可以一次更新所有程式的更新系統,這比 Windows 上面的 Windows Update 帥多了。
我一直沒有把那篇文章貼上來的原因是因為直接這樣說好像對其他 Linux 散布版本不是很公平 —— 或許其他 Linux (嗯,應該稱作 GNU/Linux) 能做同樣的事,做的比 Ubuntu 還要好也說不定。
倒是那篇文章現在說 Dibian Debian 的 Etch 分支不管安裝程式或是更新程式等都和 Ubuntu 一樣,甚至連 Ubuntu 使用手冊都可以套用在 Etch 身上。文章真正的意思是:Ubuntu 的成功不是這個作業系統的成功,而只是行銷一個品牌,一個自製版本的 Dibian Debian 的成功。
隨便啦XD。Ubuntu 還算是 My “current” Liunx choice。如果您不是 Linux 的用戶想要跳槽而且進行還算平穩的轉換的話,Ubuntu 真的是個不錯的選擇。「Ubuntu 是古非洲語,意思是『我不會設定 Dibian Debian』」還真的是這樣勒。
Ubuntu vs. Debian: What Canonical Doesn’t Want You To Know, an article I found on Digg.
I’ve kept a draft saying My Linux Choice is Ubuntu for a long time. Ubuntu is a good Linux distro, it’s easy to install, it’s beautiful, you can do almost all configuration by GUI tools instead of command lines – even if you need to will still be as easy as copy and paste. Not to mention the wonderful update-all-apps-at-once updating service that even beats Windows.
But seriously I choose not to post that “My Choice” post is because it will be unfair to not to understand – at least try to – how other Linux (Oops! the right term is GNU/Linux) distro does; maybe they do everything Ubuntu does and do them as good as Ubuntu but I didn’t know.
But I choose not to publish the post anyway; it seems unfair to other Linux distro since they might able, or even good at, to do the same thing that Ubuntu does. (A reminder: GNU/Linux is the political correct term)
Now, that post claims “The installer in [Dibian Debian] Etch works the same way as it does in Ubuntu, Apt works the same way, even Ubuntu guides usually work fine in Debian.” and saying that “…is Ubuntu’s success really due to the OS itself or the successful marketing of a highly branded version of Debian? And more importantly, with this in mind, is Ubuntu getting far too much press for what it is?“.
Ubuntu is still my “current” Linux choice, and it should be yours too if you are new to Linux and considering smooth transition. Ubuntu is the African word for “I can’t config Dibian.” – it sure is.
In this era, everyone can be the bad guy.
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剛剛看了一下你英文的部分,感覺有點不大順耶 (謎)
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其實現在的類 Unix 環境,都有滿多方便的更新方式啦,
只是用起來的感覺差很多.. ||
不過我確實沒用過是真的 (抖)
好久好久以前,有一套叫 Mandrake* 的 Linux,
也打著易安裝、易更新的招牌,但是聽過的人似乎不多 @@?
現在好像也有類似的 Distribution 可以下載
* Mandrake 現在叫做 Mandriva
我想也不會有太多人會發現它吧? (飄)
我的建議是 這個 BSD 核心的好物 XD
套一句朋友說的話: This system meets everyone’s need!
不過呢.. 身邊更多的是「窗戶系統很好用啊,不用換啦」的這種人 ~___~||
我想應該是文意問題吧;一邊推薦 Ubuntu 一邊說「我不知道其他 disto 有沒有這些能力」… 唉呦我是跟初學者推薦 Ubuntu 啦@@
至於專業 Windows 使用者(囧)要放棄自己駕馭作業系統的能力轉換到 Linux 的確需要很大的勇氣;連我都做不到XD。
感覺就是怪怪的啊.. 不大口語 @@
我一直沒有把那篇文章貼上來的原因是因為直接這樣說好像對其他 Linux 散布版本不是很公平
—— 或許其他 Linux (嗯,應該稱作 GNU/Linux) 能做同樣的事
But seriously I choose not to post that “My Choice” post is because it will be unfair to not to understand
– at least try to – how other Linux (Oops! the right term is GNU/Linux) distro does
But I choose not to publish the article anyway, because it seems not fair to other Linux (formally, the “GNU/Linux”)
since they’re able to do the same thing that Ubuntu does.
這樣有充分表達我的感覺嗎 @@?
Oops 我寫錯了,多寫了一個 because = =||
But I choose not to publish the article anyway; it seems not fair to other Linux (formally, the “GNU/Linux”)
since they’re able, or even better, to do the same thing that Ubuntu does.
如果說Ubuntu可以降低UNIX-like OS的學習門檻,我覺得就算是一種成功
話說回來,我依然還是沒有那種勇氣與功力把我現在的Windows PC換成Linux
至於我的server,因為我不需要pretty face,我還是用FreeBSD
“我依然還是沒有那種勇氣與功力把我現在的Windows PC換成GNU/Linux”