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For yous don’t like Luna Shell Style – the only one included in Windows XP – there is finally a official alternative. Royale Shell Style is the shell style that included in Windows XP Media Center Edition. You can legally download it for the link (choose ‘’); of course you need the legally own a Windows first.
There are a lot of unofficial themes out there. The most one turn Windows XP into a MacOS X Aqua! But sadly they requires cracking system dll (either do it yourself or by using Style XP.)
I prefer getting a real Mac than doing so (smile).
終於有個正式版的 Shell Style 可以取代 Windows XP 內附且唯一的 Luna Shell Style 了。Royale Shell Style是 Windows XP Media Center Edition 內附的 Shell Style,可以從上面的連結合法下載 (抓 ‘’);當然,「合法」的意思是您要先合法的擁有一份 Windows XP。
網路上有一脫拉庫的非正式 Shell Style。其中最有名的還可以把 Windows XP 換成 MacOS Aqua!只是它們都需要先破解一個系統檔案才能裝;不管是自己破還是用Style XP。
Well, 真要玩那個,我會去弄一台真正的麥金塔(笑)。