Roaming in Sydney

This content is over 17 years old. It may be obsolete and may not reflect the current opinion of the author.

Central Station, Sydney

One of the things I really enjoy doing over and over again is to roaming around a city. A weekly railway (subway) pass, with a map, randomly selecting where to go next – either by walk or by train. Find unexpected yet excited things in the journey, observe what local people really do instead of sitting on a bus looking through a glass window. With plenty of time to cover all the attractions, there are no worries, no schedules – truly a real holiday.

Sydney is a great city to roam. There are lots of museums to visit, parks with beautiful bushes and flowers. There are shops for expensive items and small places to explore. Taiwanese even have a chance to blend in – Sydney is a city compose of people from all over the world; you don’t blend in in Tokyo (visitor is easily distinguishable by non-commuter outfits), or even in China (I think.)

Home (and reality) is two weeks away from now. Yet for the next two weeks, I’ll be away from Sydney and head for Great Barrier Reef area. G’day!