
這句話是實驗室老師說的:「不知道為什麼,台灣學生很喜歡蓋東西 …」

聽起來很對呀,連台灣團隊在 CERN LHC 都是去蓋東西的 … XD

後面就是重點了:「… 蓋東西很好呀,可以從頭做新的裝置來處理新的[尖端的實驗]問題。但是很重要的,是知道自己的實驗需要什麼樣的裝置,反過來也要知道裝置的極限。」


MozTW 翻譯站:來翻譯吧!

應討論區上某人的希望與避免 MozTW 掉進某個雞生蛋的迴圈,我把協同翻譯站的使用說明和各軟體的翻譯現狀整理好了。整理完之後一些事情:

以下軟體的所有環境 Mozilla 都建置好了,只缺人去翻譯站翻譯,一但翻好丟上去就可以直接有 nighty 版可用(算是好事?):

  • 翻譯站本身 (本來假設會來翻譯的人本身就會英文啦,但是為了親和力還是開出來翻了)
  • SeaMonkey 2.0 (原本的 Mozilla Suite)
  • Sunbird 1.0 & Lightning (Mozilla 行事曆軟體與 Thunderbird 的行事曆擴充套件)
  • 下個版本的 Mozilla Party 網站,Mozilla 的活動舉辦平台 (Well,並沒有 nighty 可以「下載」,不過所有東西都準備好了是真的)


  • DOM Inspector
  • Fennec 1.0 (Mozilla 的手機用瀏覽器,還沒推出正式版)
  • Flock (現在的正體中文是簡體版的志工用簡繁轉換做的,我想可以再進步一點) (我還沒把文字放進翻譯站)

下面則是需要自己 build 語言包的測試 locale,我還沒有把環境建好所以就算翻完還是要等等:

  • 太魯閣語版 Firefox
  • 閩南語(白話字)版 Firefox


  • Firefox 3.1
  • Thunderbird 3.0 (負責人是 abev66)
  • Mozilla Addons (Mozilla 附加元件網站) (網站的介面,不包含各套件的介紹 -- 這部份需要大家幫忙)

還有我應該要做 l10n 但是還沒真的搞懂怎麼弄的部份 (汗):

  • Mozilla Support (SUMO: Mozilla 技術支援文件 wiki) (網站介面,不包含文章)
  • Mozilla Developer Center (MDC: Mozilla 開發者文件庫) (一樣,網站介面,不包含文章)

Wow,我們有這麼多事情可以做呢!只是,MozTW 並不是只把 l10n 顧好就能安身立命的;何況現有的人力要把所有軟體照顧好實在是力有未逮… 所以,來翻譯吧

註:特別感謝 gap 幫忙寫了圖解版的翻譯者使用說明 (PDF)

PTS (Taiwan) is running out of money

From their press release, Public Television System, Taiwan’s only public television service, announced that they are running out of money and will unable to pay December salaries to their employees. This is mostly due to the government budget last year that suppose to donate to PTS foundation is being frozen for unacceptable eleven months.

The KMT lawmakers who block the money (I am not sure whether DDP, the other party, is involved or not) saying that they are concerned the “liberal bias” of PTS programming and the “lack of oversight” from “the people” over the use of the founding. They also do that out of fear (or punishment?) for PTS’s alleged bias to the previous DDP administration.

From my POV, this is just another sample that government, both executive branch and legislation branch, fighting over for the “control” of supposed public television service. PTS has grown from one small channel which barely make their own programs to a large television group called TBS, owning multiple channels and even operating a citizen journalism website. While I am happy that public television could grown to the size today that can actually have their voice heard by the people, this inevitably draw the attention of politicians and the government, who already owns, or influenced heavily, the commercial televisions, especially news networks. This, really worries me.

It’s public television, it’s for the people. It’s suppose to be “liberal”, to talk more about the enviroment, social justice, public policies which favors few but not many, to counter commercial and government run medium. Public Television Act was specially crafted to avoid government involvement of their operation while still able to get money from it. Unfortunately, at the end of day, the lawmakers would simply block the money, show them “who’s the boss.”

Come on, People are the boss. If I win the lottary, I would donate most of the money to PTS. But before I do, PTS would just have to hanging there.