Internet Explorer is not just a Browser

Internet Explorer is a very powerful program. It not only connect websites, but automatically launches various programs, including Office applications to open it. In fact, it actually allow websites to install applications to your computer – usually with your ecknowledge. Try to recall the how you update your Windows, install the latest MSN Messenger or Yahoo! Messenger then you will realize that.

Internet Explorer can be embedded to any windows program. The standard example is HTML Application, with others well-known examples like PCMan, KKman, Maxthon Browser. Microsoft had stop developing IE’s user interface for a very long time, forcing people to move to other ‘browsers’ without knowing they are still using it. Actually, Windows Explorer, the application that open your folders, is displaying folders in an IE – then it enables an icon displaying box within the IE box. Norton AntiVirus, sounds strangle to do so for a anti-virus software, also display it’s UI in an IE box.

Of course, there always a dark side. Websites you don’t trust can install spyware in to your computer through IE. We usually expect an “Are you sure?” pop-up when they do so, but sometimes they just found a way in. There is a launch-able chain – Windows Explorer launches IE within it; IE launches Media Player; Media Player launches visual plug-ins, etc. It takes just one defect, just one, within the chain of applications to open a way in, and to damage your system.

Now you know why Microsoft ask you to update your Windows frequently.

So you really think Internet Explorer is just a browser? It does much more than you think. Why bring up IE (with these applications) just to browse Internet? Try Firefox, safer, lighter, and better.

But don’t uninstall your IE (even if you can)! You will always need it – in the field it really shows the power.

Internet Explorer是個非常強大的程式。他除了可以瀏覽網頁以外,當網頁上有檔案需要其他程式開啟的時候,它可以主動的呼叫該程式像是Word等Office程式。它甚至可以讓網站安裝程式到您的電腦中;想想看您之前怎麼更新Windows、安裝MSN Messenger或是Yahoo!即時通就會發現了。安裝程式通常需要您的同意,通常

Inrernet Explorer可以內鑲在任何Windows程式裡面。標準的範例是HTML Application,其他有名的範例還有PCManKKmanMaxthon Browser。Microsoft已經停止研發新版的IE操作畫面很久了,讓許多使用者改用其他的瀏覽器上網——但是不知道他們其實還在用IE。其實,打開資料夾會用的Windows Explorer也是把資料夾顯示在IE裡面——然後再到內鑲IE裡面再內鑲一個顯示資料夾圖示的小程式。很奇怪是就連防毒程式——Norton Anti-Virus都用IE顯示它的操作畫面。

凡事都有不好的一面。許多您不信任的網站會利用IE安裝間諜程式到電腦裡;通常網站要求安裝程式的時候,我們會看到安全性警告;但是它們就是找的到不經過同意就可以安裝的方法。IE帶著一個「程式啟動鏈」——像是Windows Explorer在自己的畫面啟動IE;IE啟動Media Player;Media Player啟動視覺效果… 只要這條鏈裡面有一個程式有瑕疵——只要一個——就會開個後門然後搞壞您的電腦。





Dock & Dock with Iframe

很早就寫過把MacOS X形式的Dock放到網頁上的Javascript程式了;那時候的習慣不是很好、程式碼寫的有點糟;但是那時候還真有耐心啊(廢話那時候用掉的是一生只有一次的大學聯考激發出來的生產力啊,啊哈哈)。


現在拿出來給大家申請使用。需要放在自己站上請舉手,要經過老師同意才能加入會員喔。我已經同意讓Aray用在她的COLOR BLOG上了;如果有想出圖示的話(想不出來啊)可能也會用在松江水綠 Web版上。


如果Iframe內的網頁是一個標準網頁(也就是用<!DOCTYPE>開頭),IE會算錯它的寬度,然後顯示不知道在捲什麼的橫向捲軸。您用Dock-iframe逛MozTW就會感受到這個問題。解決方法是將網頁升級成xHTML 1.0標準。檔案用<?XML>開頭後面的<!DOCTYPE>就會被IE忽略。用兩個bug互相抵消的手段對付IE(唉);希望IE7出來的時候不會只修好一個,那就要想其他方法了。

This is one of my recent Javascript work. I chose Dock because I had done it before in a nasty way when I was a kid (laugh). Surprisingly Dock can be done in such simple code.

Please use these code with my prior permission.

Known Issue

When using Dock-iframe in IE, IE will display horizontal scroll bar if the webpage inside is a standard one, i.e. has <!DOCTYPE> tag. IE can never count width correctly. To avoid this simply upgrade your webpages to xHTML 1.0 standard; <!DOCTYPE> somehow would be omitted by IE since the webpage then begin with <?XML>. This is how we deal with IE: use two bugs to cancel each other. I hope this will work on IE7, too; haven’t tested it though.


在全新改版的ZERO GRAVITY看到青寫了「提姆的週記都很有意思」讓我想要寫這篇文章。謝啦!




年假其實跟寒假沒有什麼差別;只是連續劇新聞沒什麼新意變的有點無聊,電影台播的電影又都看過了… 倒是就如大家所見的,把家裡架的機器整理了一翻;把blog重新開張。無聊的時候就一個人出去逛找找衣服,去書店看看書。

因為很怕開學之後會惋惜自己在寒假沒有做某件事情,所以醒著的時候就在coding想做的程式和出門。AJAX的Music: timdream太複雜了一瞬間寫不出來,所以就先寫了另一個AJAX的小玩具;大概這兩天可以貼出來給大家玩。

軟體工程沒做好,寫程式就會變成一邊寫一邊拆之前寫好的… 如果我一個人就寫成這樣的話,那和學長合作重寫松山高中官方網站不就把大家搞死orz?


