
看到朋友不小心 renew 了網址在某愚蠢註冊商搬不出來,想說在這邊紀錄與分享一下我的架站配置,給大家參考一下:


  • 網址註冊商:Gandi。除了網站從台北連操作太慢以外,沒什麼好挑惕的(最近改版之後也變漂亮了)。之前在 PCHome MyName(因為 plainpass 搬出來),再之前在 SEEDNet,更早之前應該是在 TWNIC。更新:Gandi 的客服說他們沒有 idv.tw 的註冊服務,還能不能轉移過去要再問。
  • DNS:Gandi。唯一的問題是沒有 Dynamic DNS。之前還有留另一個 domain 在 Namecheap 只是為了 Dynamic DNS,但是現在就是用這個 domain 然後 CNAME 到一個免費服務的 hostname 處理(不是面向大眾的服務所以沒有很介意信任問題)。
  • 主機:Digital Ocean推薦優惠連結)。只開了最便宜的每月 US$5 主機(希望不要寫在這裡就被打爆了)。Digital Ocean 也有免費 DNS 服務。
  • SSL 憑證:Let’s Encrypt,用 certbot-auto 寫了 cron script 自己 renew。
  • 服務:WordPress、自己的一些靜態內容、自用的一些服務(像是某個我不能告訴你的網址只要 POST 我的手機就會響)


  • 網址註冊商:Gandi。
  • DNS、CDN、SSL 憑證:CloudFlare
  • 主機:GitHub Pages,全部都是靜態的公開內容,CloudFlare 開 flexible SSL 指到 GitHub。

前端的程式碼把大部分的第三方 script 都拔掉了,只剩下 Google FontsGoogle Analytics。後者在靜態網站上如果有看到 Do Not Track 就不會載入。


Ben’s Story of Firefox OS

Like my good old colleague Ben Francis, I too have a lot to say about Firefox OS.

It’s been little over a year since my team and I moved away from Firefox OS and the ill-fated Connected Devices group. Over the course of last year, each time I think about the Firefox OS experience, I arrived at different conclusions and complicated, sometimes emotional, belives. I didn’t feel I am ready to take a snapshot of these thoughts and publish it permanently, so I didn’t write about it here. Frankly, I don’t even think I am ready now.

In his post, Ben has pointed out many of the turning points of the project. I agree with many of his portrayals, most importantly, lost of direction between being a product (which must ship fast and deliver whatever partners/consumers wanted and used to) and a research project (which involves engineering endeavors that answer questions asked in the original announcement). I, however, have not figured out what can be done instead (which Ben proposed in his post nicely).

Lastly, a final point: to you, this might as well be another story in the volatile tech industry, but to me, I felt the cost of people enormously whenever a change was announced during the “slow death” of Firefox OS.

People moves on and recovers, including me (which fortunately wasn’t nearly being hit the hardest). I can only extend my best wishes to those who had fought the good fight with.