iTunes Artwork Extractor

Screenshot of iTunes Artwork Extractor

The best way to stop modifying your script for function that would never be used is to publish it. Here I am.

iTunes Artwork Extractor is a HTA script (on Windows) that extract artworks of tracks in your iTunes Music Library. Good for showing off your music collection.


Get it from here. Please do not redistribute the file.


Same as licence for this blog.

Known Issue

  • When you click start, your anti-virus software will ask permission of running this script; some software even prevent you from downloading the script. This script is not a virus, it will not contain any virus if you download it from here.
  • The script name images with the name of folder containing the music file. It will be the name of the album when all your music files are stored and managed by iTunes. The reason to do this is because genetic album names sometimes contain characters that can not be used in file name.


Dock & Dock with Iframe

很早就寫過把MacOS X形式的Dock放到網頁上的Javascript程式了;那時候的習慣不是很好、程式碼寫的有點糟;但是那時候還真有耐心啊(廢話那時候用掉的是一生只有一次的大學聯考激發出來的生產力啊,啊哈哈)。


現在拿出來給大家申請使用。需要放在自己站上請舉手,要經過老師同意才能加入會員喔。我已經同意讓Aray用在她的COLOR BLOG上了;如果有想出圖示的話(想不出來啊)可能也會用在松江水綠 Web版上。


如果Iframe內的網頁是一個標準網頁(也就是用<!DOCTYPE>開頭),IE會算錯它的寬度,然後顯示不知道在捲什麼的橫向捲軸。您用Dock-iframe逛MozTW就會感受到這個問題。解決方法是將網頁升級成xHTML 1.0標準。檔案用<?XML>開頭後面的<!DOCTYPE>就會被IE忽略。用兩個bug互相抵消的手段對付IE(唉);希望IE7出來的時候不會只修好一個,那就要想其他方法了。

This is one of my recent Javascript work. I chose Dock because I had done it before in a nasty way when I was a kid (laugh). Surprisingly Dock can be done in such simple code.

Please use these code with my prior permission.

Known Issue

When using Dock-iframe in IE, IE will display horizontal scroll bar if the webpage inside is a standard one, i.e. has <!DOCTYPE> tag. IE can never count width correctly. To avoid this simply upgrade your webpages to xHTML 1.0 standard; <!DOCTYPE> somehow would be omitted by IE since the webpage then begin with <?XML>. This is how we deal with IE: use two bugs to cancel each other. I hope this will work on IE7, too; haven’t tested it though.