Spam from Taiwan

Slashdot: Spam from Taiwan


不過就我的印象來說,我們學網上如果有發現 Open Mail Relay 都鎖卡要使用者修電腦呀;家裡的電腦中毒的時候,SEEDnet也有寄e-mail要我處理… 那,到底是哪個網路沒良心的使用者在寄廣告信呀。

PS 我絕對沒有用Link影射某大ISP沒有做好廣告信控管的工作XD

I was shock to know that there are two thirds of world’s spam mails are sent by Taiwan computers. People here just don’t have the sense to protect their own computers.

But being a person managing a small part of Taiwan Academic Network, we (MOECC) do monitoring our own net. I did once got email alert me to clean up my home computer from the ISP; So, What ISP just don’t care about the spam problem then?


Internet的設計概念就是分散式的,只是到了現在所有服務還是依存在某些更大的服務上面(噗) —— 然後它一爆大家就只能傻眼然後發呆這樣。

看來要加快把這裡的網址改成 的計畫了。

Due to DNS failure, this blog had become unreachable for about 5 hours.

阿雀姨部落格 – River Comic 543



想到這麼多行銷blog,再看到這篇阿雀姨部落格; Well,這種「部落格」說不定真的會有喔,哈哈。

When the word “blog” is transliterated into Chinese, it’s means, as the comic suggested, “the tribe in a box”.

This post is talking in irony from the comic about the recent trend of “blog marketing”.