Red Mars

終於把 Red Mars 讀完了。還有兩本,紅火星只是火星三部曲的第一本而已呢(倒)。

火星三部曲真的是鋪陳很精細的小說;它是真科幻(在不遠的未來帶有真實性的科幻),每個章節以第三人稱描述一位角色的觀點、所見所聞與內心想法。雖然英文版裡面細緻描述的部份對我來說還算吃力,但我還是 enjoy 它所描述的世界。


Red Mars. I finally finished reading it. Although I had difficulties understanding some of the detail descriptions Robinson used on landscapes and people’s feeling, I still quite enjoy it as the first novel I choose to read the original instead of translated version.

Spoiler Follows.

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And God said…

And God said, Let there be Maxwell’s Equations with boundary condition, and some electric charge but not magnetic charge: and there was light.

One year of the EM course takes the original parody into the next level, since Maxwell’s Equations along can not strictly describe the existence of EM waves – you’ll need charges to generate them, electric charges or magnetic charges – the later are “magnetic monopole” exists only in Maxwell’s theory but cannot be found in the real world. God just didn’t make any of them.



嚴格來說馬克斯威爾方程式本身不能解釋電磁波的存在,必須要有電荷或是「磁荷(magnetic charge)」產生電磁波,其中磁荷卻又是理論上存在但是在真實世界中找不到的磁單極。上帝可能覺得電荷就夠用了吧。

喔,原版的句子是「神說,要有光,就有了光。」,創世紀 1:3。


In a teamwork environment, I take things personally. Way to personal than others do. I like and willing to pursue the feeling to be in a (then) successful group. I believe this kind of attitude/model leads to success.

Then it had become a problem. Since most of people I encountered didn’t feeling that personal to teamwork success, they refuse to do more than “finishing” the job. They done their share of the work only, or even MIA, leaving (people like) me to handle it.

Put it in Chinese with popular metaphor: 我只是在當好人,然後你們在消耗好人就是了。

Maybe it’s our problem, you know? To live a miserable life all the time when team up with others; to do things alone; to be the last one to turn off the light. The model is wrong, so wrong that I couldn’t take it anymore. I should stop being that personal to things, and make myself clear that I am not covering one’s ass.

Anyone who reads this post, please – see if you are consuming someone in the group/team you think you “belong” to.

Seeking other positions to be in a teamwork now – but it’s just sad to see groups I once believed in to fail and fall apart.

[震怒] 去它媽的能者多勞。
