Looking Backwards, Connecting the Dots

So the day came.

I have not much to say like everyone else on the web and mess media. I don’t want to go on skin-depth things like how he transformed the computer industry and the world – I didn’t even agree most of the tactics he used (like, all closed-source, closed and single distributor model for the iOS platform, etc.).

I want to share something personal with you here, instead.

I did a lot of things that didn’t make sense to my parents, nor to myself at the time. Ever since mid-school, I spent countless hours making websites. I was the computer guru to my high school classmates because the guestbook/chatroom service I built was practically the online social network to them. When I went to college, I chose to take physics as major instead of computer science because I thought there were more wonders in the mechanics of the physical world instead of inside a computer. That turned out to be true, and the wonders unfortunately succumbed me; my grades in physics classes were never higher than the one and only computer science class I took. I didn’t know what to do at the time; I didn’t want to, and couldn’t go for the regular career a physics-major in Taiwan would usually do, that is go to graduate school, and to TSMC/UMC or other semiconductor companies straight from school, the flagship industry of Taiwan – The promise land with dicent salary and social recognition.

Nevertheless, I got my B.Sc. anyway. I stall a bit by deliberately not to meet the graduation requirement (which is, ironically, English requirement) and stayed for a fifth year. I joined MozTW and took care of Firefox localization, started to get to know people in the technology circle, many of whom are big names I admired. I gave lectures at meet-ups and events, wrote web application for Firefox promotion. I co-organized events, designed event websites. I built a paper toss game in the IE9 hackathon event and was awarded an XBox 360 + Kinect. Eventually, I am recognized by people as a qualified front-end developer.

(Full text of Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address)

I don’t actually remember when I see the speech for the first time. At first it didn’t make an impression. It was not until some day, I realized “connecting the dots by looking backwards” is exactly what I did, and do right now: Without these “personal homepage” I wrote before college, I wouldn’t know how server-client architecture works. Without my college projects in the physics department, I wouldn’t have any idea how to organize a full-scale rich-content website, nor the chance to improve my communication skill. Without MozTW I wouldn’t be known by my talented peers. Even physics has a part when I looked backwards – The paper toss game I wrote at the IE9 event is actually based on physics simulation skill I learned in school. I hated that class, but without the knowledge the game wouldn’t have such animation effect.

Indeed, Steve was right all along. “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. … This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”, he said. By looking backwards, I found everything I did somehow makes who I am today, and they surely made all the difference.

This is what Mr. Jobs meant to me. Nothing technological nor innovative, purely personal. So long, Steve, you lived a good life. This post is my tribute to you, and you will certainly be missed.



Burghardt expressed his appreciation for Ma’s pledge of no surprises in the U.S.-Taiwan bilateral relationship as well as his emphasis on substance over show. He recounted three examples Ma had given him to demonstrate this commitment:

  • Taiwan would not ask for a certain kind of transit just to show that the U.S. would grant it;
  • Taiwan would not ask for certain weapons systems just to show the U.S. would sell them;
  • and Taiwan would not insist on certain names just for domestic political considerations.



  • 台灣政府不會為了證明和美國的關係而要求特定形式的(台灣總統出訪在美國國內的)轉機方式;
  • 台灣政府不會為了證明和美國的關係而向美國要求特定武器的軍購;
  • 且台灣政府不會因為國內政治的考量而向美國要求特定的稱呼。

這看起來很糟呀。畢竟看了這麼多年的中台美關係新聞,人人大概都知道,從李登輝總統開始,美國要賣什麼武器給台灣、台灣總統去中南美洲經過美國要怎麼被接待,都是美國行政當局向台灣公開表現姿態的方式。比較遜的總統像陳水扁,就會搞到下不了飛機直接被送到中美洲去;比較厲害的總統像李登輝就可以做到回學校演講,幾乎是「順便」入境美國訪問。第三項稱呼,要說杞人憂天也罷,但是美國政府自從國會制訂台灣關係法,定義台美關係之後,就沒有在對台灣的地位上有任何的正式調整了,如果政府放棄和美國行政當局堅持名稱的話,下次歐巴馬訪問中國的聯合公報會不會出現「Chinese Taipei」?




The Daily Show 的 Joe Stewart 星期三請了 David Barton,一位福音教派的美國歷史學家上節目。起因是來自於之前 Stewart 和 Mike Huckabee 的對談。Huckabee 是一位後來從政的牧師,當到州長,也是明年可能的共和黨總統候選人。在他們的對話中,Stewart 引用了 Huckabee 稱讚 Barton 的引言來挑戰他,而最後 Huckabee 說他不應該幫別人說話,Stewart 應該請 Barton 來上節目,而有了這個對談。

整個對談非常精采,超過長度因此完整的要到網站上才看的到。Barton 和 Stewart 的討論環繞在原本他上節目的目的,釐清:美國是否是基於基督教信念創立的?如果是,為何憲法禁止國會樹立國教?

Barton 在對談中解釋,他個人研究的唯一目的是「藉由收集過去的歷史文獻,尋找美國早期被遺忘的歷史」,而「藉由文獻去樹立基督教在美國的地位」並不是他的初衷,也是不實的指控。他說,他編撰的教科書涵蓋了美國被忘記的許多不同面相的歷史:被遺忘的美國開國重要人物,女性、非洲裔。他對他基督教的研究被特別挑出來批評感到不平。

至於前面提到的,美國創立時,開國元勳在憲法上對政府與宗教關係的想像,他認為美國創立時的確是基於基督教的信念,開國 13 洲有許多州憲法敘明了基督教的地位。但是他們同時也相信容納不同信仰與宗教自由是更重要的,因此在憲法上禁止聯邦政府樹立國教。Barton 認為,因為憲法認為宗教是州政府的事物,故現代的解釋將此憲法條款擴及到任何人與所有層級的政府是不公正的:例如,認為政府不該贊助宗教性活動,或是禁止個人、官員在公眾場合禱告,或是以神之名發誓(「… so help me God.」)。

這個時候 Stewart 就問他了,既然憲法的限制僅適用於聯邦政府,那如果有一天有個州的人口組成主要是穆斯林,然後他們選出了州政府決定要實施伊斯蘭律法(Sharia Law),那怎麼辦?他說這樣沒有關係,反而是外面的人對他們說不能這樣做,才是問題。Stewart 就說,他認為這才是美國的本質:有外面的人在聯邦的層級說不能這樣做,因為這對社會和自由產生了內外隔閡。



某種程度台灣社會是同意政教分離的:宗教影響道德觀,群體道德觀影響選出來的民意代表和官員,但是民意代表和官員從不會拿特定宗教的論述當做反對或贊成某個議題的論點。除了某次有市議員和教會開記者會反對台北市政府給同志嘉年華的預算,但那樣的論點也不是反方的主要理由(比較像是立場剛好所以合作一下)。宗教屬性在美國對政治人物有時是加分(像 Huckabee 之於福音教派),但在台灣可能對來說是票房毒藥,例如謝長廷與宋七力案(宋七力案的詐欺和宗教自由定義間的轉折與界線也值得探討)。




自我澄清:我是不可知論者,不偏屬任何宗教。文中所指名之宗教與團體皆為舉例,沒有針對的意思。只是很好笑的,維基百科把「子不語怪力亂神」作為孔子是不可知論者的例子,但是孔子在儒道教卻是個神 …